1POINT partners held the 8. regular meeting on 7.9.2021
Post September 7, 2021 by Dragan Kusić
Project partners participated on the eight regular monthly meeting of 1POINT project, which was held online on 7.9.2021. The main goal of the meeting was to check the progress on the activity A4 – Training content development.
In this meeting 1POINT project partners were mostly focused on O1/A4 activity where partners TECOS, CETEM and ATLANTIS are in charge for technical content preparation on the four pillars (AR, VR, 3D-printing and lean manufacturing). The consortium checked the so far obtained results and agreed to update the given examples from the maintenance sector area that is suitable for the above-mentioned pillars.
Partners are satisfied with the progress that was made on the AR/VR field since this field proved to be more demanding than field of 3D printing and lean manufacturing in terms to prepare a suitable content since there are not so many open information’s available in the project partners countries on AR and VR field. For this reason, still some more additional work must be done before we can finalize the A4 activity.
At the end of this eight regular online meeting the consortium agreed to add some more dissemination news on the company and main project website, Twitter and LinkedIn account.
The next monthly meeting will be held in beginning of October 2021.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – Project Reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.