After a few informal online project meetings between partners in November 2020, we also officially launched the 1Point project on 3 and 4 December 2020. We initially wanted to hold a two-day online meeting of the project in Celje, where the partners would be hosted by the TECOS Development Center for Toolmaking in Slovenia, but due to the COVID-19 epidemic and travel restrictions, we decided to organize the meeting online. The 1Point project is funded by the European Commission in the field of the Erasmus + program "Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training". It is intended to design vocational education and training using the 1Point learning approach in the field of maintenance in industrial production, in the field of 3D printing, AR and VR.
The consortium led by TECOS is actively co-formed by ATLANTIS - Greece, CETEM - Spain, DLEARN - Italy, CPI - Slovenia and HESO - Cyprus.
1Point a shared photoThe 1Point project aims to create an interesting and attractive vocational education and training program using the 1Point learning approach in the field of maintenance in industrial production. Future generations of industry employees are expected to be technologically savvy, but current vocational education and training programs do not yet provide this. The 1Point project promotes a learning approach based on the acquisition of concrete knowledge and skills through work itself. Vocational education and training with the 1Point methodology will make it easier for participants to both consider and carry out tasks that are directly related to their future job. The methodology will include the use of modern ICT technologies accessible from a variety of mobile devices, and will also include the gamification of knowledge acquisition.
In addition to the partners and the main goals of the project, the introductory meeting also presented the expected results that will be generated during the 24 months of the project.
During the project, the partners will develop and test 2 intellectual results (IO):
IO1- ECVET - Maintenance Specialist Profile.
IO2 - Training for maintenance professionals.
During the project meeting, we got acquainted in detail with the individual steps of the first intellectual result and discussed further work (O1 / A1 - Research and O1 / A2 - Training Methodology) and other issues related to the implementation of the 1Point project. The project partners agreed that we would have to take into account the situation related to the COVID-19 epidemic when presenting the project results. Nevertheless, the results will be presented at multiplication events in all participating countries of the consortium in the middle and last phase of the project.
The next project meeting of the international consortium is scheduled to take place in mid-2021 in Thessaloniki (Greece), where it will be hosted by project partner ATLANTIS. Until then, regular online project meetings will be held on the planned activities and the course of their implementation.
The project is funded by the European Commission - project reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.
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