1POINT partners held the 11. regular meeting on 14.12.2021

Post December 14, 2021 by Dragan Kusić

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The project partners participated in the eleventh regular monthly meeting of the 1Point project, which took place online on 14 December 2021. The main goal of the meeting was to check the final work on activity A4 - Development of training content and the publication of the 2nd newsletter.
At the eleventh regular monthly online meeting, 1POINT project partners focused on O1 / A4 activity, where partners TECOS, CETEM and ATLANTIS presented the finally developed technical content on four pillars (AR, VR, 3D printing and lean manufacturing). The consortium checked the content together and agreed that it was appropriate and suitable for migration to the learning platform.
The project partners have prepared and published the 2nd newsletter with news on the 1Point project in the language of individual partner countries, which can be found inside Downloads section.
At the end of this eleventh regular online meeting, the consortium agreed that we can start translating the developed training content, which will later be uploaded to the learning platform.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for early January 2022.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – Project Reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.