1POINT partners held the 13. regular meeting on 1.2.2022
Post February 1, 2022 by Dragan Kusić
The project partners participated in the thirteenth regular monthly meeting of the 1Point project, which took place online on 1.2.2022. The main goal of the meeting was to check the project dissemination status, final work on activities A3 - ECVET curriculum and A4 - Development of training content.
At the thirteenth regular monthly online meeting, 1POINT project partners focused on activities O1 / A3, where together with partner CPI we checked the final ECVET curriculum that was presented by Ms. Barbara Kunčič, and O1 / A4, where partners reviewed examples of technical content on four pillars (AR, VR, 3D printing and lean manufacturing) and agreed to update them with better industrial examples. The consortium checked the O1 / A3 and O1 / A4 content together on the translation progress into every partner country language, which will be then incorporated into the draft learning platform, which has been already prepared by partner HESO.
At the end of this thirteenth regular online meeting, the consortium agreed to continue the translation process on all developed content, continue initial work in IO2 on Learning Motivation Environment (LME), more precisely e-learning platform, and start planning the next transnational meeting in Italy.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for beginning of March 2022.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – Project Reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.