1POINT partners held the 4. regular meeting on 30.3.2021

Post March 30, 2021 by Dragan Kusić

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Project partners participated on the fourth regular monthly meeting of 1POINT project, which was held online on 30.3.2021. The main goal of the meeting was to evaluate the obtained results and check the progress that was made on activity A2 – Training methodology.
In this meeting 1POINT project partners jointly checked the obtained results on A2 – Training methodology that was ongoing from the last project months. The focus was given to the innovative 1POINT training methodology that was previously discussed and agreed by consortium. The 1POINT training methodology is being developed through an adaptive transformation of the 1 Point process, specialised for the field of VET with focus on the specialities of the maintenance domain. The methodology is divided into small portions of knowledge in the maintenance field, and the training goal is to divide small learning outcome into 4-5 competences. In other words, partners agreed to have four pillars (AR, VR, 3D printing and lean manufacturing) so that each of them presents a learning outcome, which will then be joined into one major learning unit that will be prepared in A3 activity. In order to prepare the learning outcome project partners considered the target groups from the maintenance sector and prepared a table to acquire the competences, which was presented by partner Atlantis. Consortium agreed to identify per each pillar lacks, needs and problems related to the above-mentioned maintenance sectors, and will propose and implement the needed solutions that can be later also monitored adequately.
At the end of this fourth regular online meeting the consortium has organized smaller working groups in order to easily acquire the needed inputs in the above-mentioned maintenance sectors based on the newly established 1POINT training methodology, which was proposed by partner Atlantis.
Partners agreed to add some more dissemination news on the company project website, twitter and linkedin account.

The next monthly meeting will be held in beginning of May 2021.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – Project Reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.