1POINT partners held the 1. regular meeting on 4.1.2021
Post January 4, 2021 by Dragan Kusić
1POINT partners held the 1. regular meeting on 4.1.2021
Consortium participated on the first regular monthly meeting of 1POINT project that was held online in the first days of New Year – 4.1.2021, and focused on checking the results of the research activities (O1/A1 – Research) and the forthcoming activities.
Since the kick-off meeting couldn’t be held and hosted physically in Celje, Slovenia in November 2020 by the coordinator TECOS, the project partners jointly decided to continue the work in progress on the first project activity that is related to A1 – Research on regular monthly MS Teams calls, which are taking place at the beginning of each month. Such first online regular meeting between 1POINT partners was successfully held on 4th of January 2021, where the partners presented the current results on the activity A1 – Research as part of the Intellectual Output 1 - The ECVET Profile of the Maintenance Expert.
In the first project activity partners conducted an initial phase of research in order to better assure European relevance of the ECVET profile and guarantee perfect correspondence to the training needs of the target group. In each partner country each of the partners analysed in depth the current learning needs and the digital skills-gap of maintenance professionals, trainees and VET students on a national level.
For example, in Slovenia we identified that there are current learning needs in AR, VR, 3D printing and LEAN manufacturing sector. In terms of digital skills gap we noticed that younger maintenance people have lower digital skill gaps than older maintenance people, which was expected. The same conclusions could be drawn also from the results obtained by the rest of project partner countries.
Consortium agreed to continue the good work and finalize the conduction of a comparative analysis on currently offered maintenance trainings in each partner country and in some additional EU countries by also checking the existing curricula that is available.
The next monthly meeting will be held in beginning of February 2021.
The project is funded by the European Commission - project reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.