1POINT partners hold the 2. Transnational meeting online and physically in Thessaloniki on 29.-30-6.2021
1POINT project partners participated on the 2nd transnational meeting in Thessaloniki, which was held combined online and physically for two days from 29. to 30. June.2021. The main goal of the meeting was to check the overall progress on the 1POINT project in terms of technical and administrative issues concerning the project.
Since the kick-off meeting couldn’t be hosted physically by project coordinator TECOS in Celje, due to COVID-19 outbreak the consortium decided to move towards normality and at least hold it in a mixed way (online and physically). Therefore, in this 2nd transnational 1POINT project meeting the consortium checked on the first day the current status of the project, activities that were concluded, checked the financial issues regarding the project, dissemination and exploitation activities that were conducted so far and discussed about quality and risk management issues.
On the 2nd day of the meeting, which was more technically oriented, the consortium checked the first two completed activities and then checked the progress on third and fourth activity, which is all part of the first intellectual output IO1 – ECVET profile of the maintenance expert. In IO2 partners discussed about the training course for maintenance experts in terms of developed training content how to implement it inside the platform and discussed on several possibilities how to setup the platform in later stage of the project. For conclusion the consortium checked the dissemination activities, evaluated the project meeting and setup the next project action steps for next months.
The next transnational meeting will be held hopefully entirely in a physical way at DLEARN in Milano, Italy next March 2022.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – Project Reference: 2020-1-SI01-KA202-076060.